Dr. Amos Martinez, a service-disabled veteran, CEO and 51% owner of VRE4VETS, has more than 35 years of experience providing direct vocational rehabilitation services and management of vocational rehabilitation programs for veterans with service-connected disabilities. He was responsible for providing education and career counseling services to thousands of Service members and Veterans transitioning from military service. He also provided meaningful work experience opportunities to injured or disabled Service members in a “medical hold” capacity at military treatment facilities (MTF). Dr. Martinez previously served as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy from 1968 to 1973. His educational achievements include: Doctorate in Psychology, Masters in Public Administration, Masters in Counseling Psychology, and Bachelors of Science in Psychology.
Dr. Fred Steier, a veteran and managing partner of VRE4VETS, has more than three decades of progressive management experience including 20 years providing VR&E benefits to veterans and Service members and more than 18 years of service within the Department of Defense. He has provided direct vocational rehabilitation services, to veterans with disabilities in a variety of roles such as Counseling Psychologist, VR&E Officer, VR&E Service Training Supervisor, and VR&E Service Assistant Director for Rehabilitation Services. Dr. Steier also served as advisor on vocational rehabilitation matters to the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Advisory Board; George Washington University Rehabilitation Curriculum Review Board; primary workgroup member for the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration’s, 34th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues; DOD/VA/DOL Transition Assistance Program/Disabled Transition Assistance Program Steering Committee; and DOD/VA/DOL National Guard/Reserve Component Interagency Demobilization Working Group. He served as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army from 1972 to 1975. His educational achievements include: Doctorate of Education in Guidance and Counseling, Masters in Counseling, and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
Mr. George Moore is managing partner of VRE4VETS and owner of George Moore and Associates (GMA), a privately owned small business founded in 1984. He has more than 30 years experience providing and managing vocational rehabilitation and employment programs. He served as past president (currently serving as treasurer) of the Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and served on the IARP National Board of Directors. Mr. Moore has provided a wide range of vocational rehabilitation and employment services including transitional career counseling, employment assistance, human resources consulting, training, private disability management and counseling as well as administration and management of programs. His educational achievements include Master of Arts in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. His professional credentials include: Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Distance Credentialed Counselor, and Master Career Counselor.
Ms. Connie Hounshell is managing partner of VRE4VETS and a twenty-three year former employee of George Moore & Associates, Inc. Her experience includes 29 years of managing the delivery of vocational rehabilitation services for the Department of Veterans Affairs, VR&E program. She developed programs and services, managed contracts, and developed training programs for transitioning military personnel. She has extensive experience in monitoring quality control of contract deliverables and ensuring compliance with contract requirements of vocational rehabilitation and employment services. Her educational achievements include advanced studies in Business Administration and Information Systems.